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Botulinum toxin (Botox) is an umbrella term for different types of neurotoxins that helps relax the muscles. Botox is obtained from bacteria called Clostriduim Botulinum.

It is also one of the most reliable methods for eliminating facial aging.
Botox is used in many medical fields, especially aesthetics. An exotoxin used in cases such as aging problems or excessive sweating treatment. The cosmetic use of Botox (Type A injections) is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In addition, the FDA has approved the use of Botulinum toxin injections for excessive sweating in the armpits.

Botox, which was used for the first time in the treatment of lazy eye, was used to correct wrinkles caused by frown lines in the next process.


What does Botox do?

Botox application is mostly used in facial aging and wrinkle treatments. It is used to eliminate the lines that appear on the face over time and to heal the lines that occur on the face before they become clear.
Apart from these, it is preferred to block the sweat glands is a protective application to prevent sweating under the armpits.

In Which Situations Is Botox Applied?

Medical Uses:
It is used in treatment of problems such as facial spasms, facial paralysis, excessive sweating, muscle spasms in different parts of the body, migraine, sideways neck due to muscle spasm.
Cosmetic Uses:
Botox became popular among people because of its frequent use in the field of cosmetics. It is used to remove signs of aging and to eliminate wrinkles.
You are not suitable for Botox if you:

Have a neuromuscular condition like myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune disorder characterized by muscle weakness) or multiple sclerosis.
Are currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
Have an active skin infection.
Are on blood thinners since it increases bleeding and bruising.

To learn the most suitable method for you or to get detailed information, you can contact us via our whatsapp number, e-mail, or our landline numbers.

Rosemary Clinic 


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