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Ozone is a unique agent preserving and restoring the natural beauty and health of skin. Ozone therapy does not mask defects of skin, but normalizes its natural functions and stimulates its own work.
The mechanism of action of ozone can be demonstrated on the example of its use within a complex program for skin rejuvenescence.

Aging at the level of epidermis is induced by inhibition of proliferous cell division, exhaustion of epidermis, increase in keratin layer, decrease in elasticity and increase in residual epidermis deformation (“crow’s-foot”), formation of deeper wrinkles.
Skin functions properly and looks young only in case of proper trophism and division of epidermis cells. The natural mechanism of cell trophism is realized by means of tissue liquid, lymph and blood plasma.


What does ozone therapy do to skin?

Researches report that ozone therapy enhances endogenous growth factors, stimulating fibroblasts, increasing then in the microcirculation via the release of nitric oxide and rebalancing the immunological function, favoring the skin restoration and revitalizing the repair and regeneration processes of ulcers and wounds.

Does ozone tighten skin?

Ozone boosts the ability of cells to produce collagen and elastin, which in turn helps to soften fine lines and wrinkles, tighten or firm skin, and thereby slow down the aging process.

How many times should I do ozone therapy?

Ozone therapy may be administered as frequently as twice per week depending on the patient’s symptoms and response to therapy. Most patients will benefit from treatments every 1-2 weeks. Acute conditions may need 3-6 treatments to resolve.

To learn the most suitable method for you or to get detailed information, you can contact us via our whatsapp number, e-mail, or our landline numbers.

Rosemary Clinic 


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